Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Farragut Had An Election Congratulations to Williams and LaMarche

Today, the Town of Farragut had an election for two Aldermen positions. Early Voting was held March 21 - April 5, 2007.

Alderman Ward II (South) Alderwoman Dot LaMarche was unopposed in her bid for re-election and was re-elected with 165 votes. Congratulations Alderwoman LaMarche.

In the Alderman Ward I (North) Alderman Joel Garber did not seek re-election. Three candidates sought the position. Bob Edlund, Ron Rochelle and John Williams all ran aggressive campaigns. With 907 votes cast in the North Ward, John B. Williams was elected with 49.94%. Most impressive was John Williams garnering 62.45% of the votes cast today, with Edlund garnering 21.30% and Rochelle 16.25% of the votes cast today.

Congratulations to LaMarche and Williams and a special Thank You to Alderman Garber for his years of service to the Farragut community.

An interesting sidebar note, the Knoxville News-Sentinel did not endorse Alderman-Elect Williams.

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