Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened at the School Board Workshop Wednesday

I was on the front row near the public speakers podium and a lady that I had met before came up to talk with Russ Oaks and she and I started talking. I had met her before, but she asked if I would be posting. I said that I would later tonight. I just do not live blog. I mentioned how Randy had live blogged the Commission appointments.

I told her that I do not post on, but that I do read KnoxViews, that I had removed myself some time ago. She said "Are you #9" I laughed and told her who I believe 9 to be. I said that I believed him to be a pretty good guy, that he has been critical of me. But I have respect for people that are fair and fairly professional in their criticism even of me.

Unlike the tabloid girls that attack me and others with no facts and no reason and with no professionalism.

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