Sunday, April 15, 2007

Knox County Commissioner Phil Ballard Will Run For Knox County Property Assessor - February 5, 2008

A Brian's Blog source this afternoon confirmed that the Press Release is ready and that the New Knox County Commissioner from East Knox County's Eighth District (Phil Ballard) will be a candidate for Knox County Property Assessor on the Republican Primary ballot, February 5, 2008.

His County Commission seat is not up for re-election until 2010. Should he be victorious in the Republican Primary in February and the General election in August 2008. He would have to vacate the position on September 1. 2008, immediately following his oath of office for Property Assessor.

That would leave less than two years on his Commission term and the Knox County Commission would have to appoint a replacement to occupy the seat until the elected candidate of 2010 (May Primary Election/August General Election) is sworn into office on September 1, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Phil Ballard is not qualified to be Propery Assessor of Knox County. Aren't the citizens of Knox County tired of the type of controversy this person has already been involved with. None of the County Commisioners deserve to be in the positions they now hold let alone promoting one of them to County Propery Assessor. VOTE TO KEEP OUT ALL THE FORMER AND PRESENT COMMISIONERS FROM OFFICE. They are an embarrasment to Knox County and have made us the laughing stock of the rest of the Country.
