Saturday, April 14, 2007

Knox County High School Rezoning - Do You Sell The House, Now?

If you are not zoned to the community high school within your community. Do you sell your house after the zoning is approved on May 2, 2007? The answer that Brian's Blog is offering is No. The reason is that you need to wait until next year when the school board approves the rezoning of the elementary and middle school rezoning plan.

Let us provide for you an example. In West Knox County, every subdivision and home accessing Fox Road in the current proposed rezoning plan is zoned for A.L. Lotts Elementary, West Valley Middle and Farragut High School. A board member has said that they would like feeder schools to feed into similar/same schools. So, it stands to reason that these homes and subdivision's that are in the minority of the new proposed rezoning plan of A.L. Lotts, West Valley and Bearden High School likely will be rezoned next year to Farragut Primary, Intermediate and Farragut Middle to match their high school.

Also, part of the reasoning is that there are other subdivisions further west of Fox Road in the current proposal that are being rezoned to Bearden High School.

The growth in West Knoxville/Knox County is not a new problem/solution. When the Charter class of A.L. Lotts began as Kindergartners in 1993, the same class were the Charter class at West Valley Middle School in 1999. In 2002 they should have been the Charter class of the new High School. (In the fall of 2002/early 2003, Brian Hornback while serving as the Fifth District School Board Member along with the Knox County School administration brought to the school board for consideration property on George Williams Road for the new West Knox County High School. The School Board rejected the property on George Williams Road due the public outcry from the residents along Fox Road) Today, the members of the Charter classes on 1993 and 1999 are Freshmen in college.

The problem that citizens have communicated to Brian's Blog is that this proposal is not using a reasoned and planned process. As parents we do not raise our children from 9th grade up. We start them as infants, pre-schoolers, elementary, high school and then they are ready for college and the world.

If the School Board set out to assemble and implement a countywide rezoning plan. It should have been done with all schools at one time. Present the rezoning plan for the lower grades and the higher grades at the same time. Primary/Intermediate or Elementary, Middle and High. With the opening of Hardin Valley High School set for August 2008, you do not have 15 months to plan, because when you relocate your home for the high school, you will find yourself in the wrong zone for elementary and middle school.

So, your best bet is to plan to sell your home in Spring of 2008 and be moved in to your new zone home by the first day of school in August 2008.

So, when you hear a politican School Board Member say that you have 15 months to plan. That my friends is pure political rhetoric.

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