Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Knox County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner

The KnoxGOP website announced today the details of the 2007 Knox County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner. Here is the link for all the details and for Senator Burr's bio.

United States Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina will be the featured Speaker.

On Friday, March 9, 2007 Senator Burr announced his suppport of John McCain for President. In his statement Senator Burr said.

"I am pleased to announce I am supporting John McCain in his bid for the White House. John is a proven leader and a true American hero. In these historic times, our President must be strong, focused and willing to take on tough issues regardless of polling numbers and the daily news cycle.

Time after time John has stepped up to take on difficult issues and challenges. He has been loyal champion of our military and an unwavering supporter of a strong national defense.

I also believe his record on fiscal discipline and his watchful eye on government spending will benefit the next generation by ensuring a robust national economy. He is my friend and I look forward to calling him "Mr. President."

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