Thursday, April 26, 2007

Recap of the Countywide High School Rezoning Forum

This evening a Countywide High School Rezoning Forum was held at the Expo Center located at Merchants Rd and Clinton Hwy.

Nearly 130 people attended. Bob Wolfenbarger opened the meeting. He asked some general questions like How many knew of this plan prior to the media attention? How many people are opposed to the current plan? How many people want more public involvement? All the responses were unanimous.

He introduced the organizers. Cathy and Doug McCaughan, Pamela Treacy, Lisa Starbuck, Jamey Dobbs, Tamara Shepherd. Other organizers included Sharon Davis and Susanne Bentley.

Several notorious (Elected or Candidates) community members were in attendance: School Board Member Robert Bratton, County Commissioners Greg Lambert and Chuck Bolus, City Councilman Bob Becker, County Commission candidate Walter Wojnar.

The information shared with those in attendance was that they need everyone and everyone need to get 10 others to show up at the School Board workshop and meeting. The message going out is that the School Board needs to engage a process that involves the public and a process that is fair.

The message needs to be that this was a flawed process thus the results were flawed. The three action points going forward is 1) Request the School Board members to cast a No vote. 2) The Process was flawed and 3) Move forward with a new and better process.

Doug McCaughan talked about a ballot they was passed out and all participants filled one out. The information requested on the ballot were.

What is your zip code?

Please check your top 3 concerns with school rezoning

Keeping feeder schools together______________
Overcrowded/under-utilized schools__________
Travel time and distance__________________
Lack of supported data/alternative plans_______
Membership in teams and clubs______________
Effects on property values__________________
Curriculum and class offerings________________
Lack of Community involvement in planning_____
Attending school of choice__________________
School budgets__________________________
If you have unanswered questions about rezoning, write them on the back of this paper.

The results of this ballot will be tallied and submitted to the School Board. It appears that it will be a quiet weekend building up to the School Board workshop scheduled for Monday April 30, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building and the School Board Meeting for a scheduled vote on Wednesday May 2, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. in the Main Assembly Room of the City-County Building.

Let me take just a moment to say the past week and a half has been busy trying to cover and report much of the conversation. But it has opened my eyes to a new found resolve within our greater community. It has opened my eyes to people that I would not have had the opportunity to work with. As a blogger, you sometimes get in your comfort zone behind a computer monitor in your office. But, I have had so many people come up and say that they read Brian's Blog it has been heartwarming. To meet fellow bloggers Cathy and Doug McCaughan has been a wonderful experience. To have the assistance of Beth, Deborah and Mark was AWESOME. Pamela and I had some great conversation. I do not know if this issue will be over on Wednesday, if it is not then I will see you all again soon. If it is than please stay in touch and together let's stay engaged for the Great American Community with which we call home.

Good Night, God Bless and God Speed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Thank you Brian! It was great seeing you last night. Btw, you caught some air time on WATE's 11pm news.

    Your recaps of all the meetings have been fantastic. Thanks also for following this issue so closely and showing up for support.

    See you Monday!
