Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Two Letters Concerning the High School Rezoning in todays Knoxville News-Sentinel

April 24, 2007
Comprehensive plan for rezoning applauded

I want to thank the school superintendent's office for the comprehensive rezoning plan. My home is in the Farragut-to-Bearden zone. Last year we would have been rezoned for Hardin Valley High School, which would have meant more than 10 miles to travel, including a hazardous Pellissippi Parkway at rush hour.

This would have been unacceptable for high school students as some of them would want or be expected to drive to school. The new proposed zoning of Farragut to Bearden does justice to this area, avoiding excessive travel of more than 10 miles that included Pellissippi Parkway, since no other smaller roads would have been available.

Yes, I do expect some outcry over the decision since we live in Knox County, Tennessee, in which the right to bear arms is more important than education. I do also expect outcry from the Farragut area.

Yes, I do understand the parents from Farragut who want to keep their students in the Farragut area. Unfortunately, Farragut does not have its own school system.

Again, I want to thank the superintendent's office for having the courage to do what is right.


Rezoning complaints: Just get a grip, folks

Is it just me or do a lot of people in West Knoxville need to get a grip?

The school board came up with a plan for rezoning recently. Most of the people quoted in your paper sound like a 2-year-old when it's time for bed.

One guy even said he is considering private school because he is being forced to go to Hardin Valley. Forced to go to a brand-new, multimillion-dollar facility?

I don't object to their sense of community. It's their tone, their sense of entitlement. If you have the ability to choose between Hardin Valley High School or a $13,000-a-year school, consider yourself more fortunate than 99 percent of the world.

I am good friends with a school board member. He told me he has received dozens of e-mails and phone calls, all nasty, and one lady even left a message for his small children to hear, swearing at their father.

She shouldn't worry about the school her children are going to because, if she's the role model, those kids don't have a chance.

My kids got rezoned to Hardin Valley, too. Somebody has to go. Your children are no more special than anyone else's. Get a grip, everyone.


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