Thursday, April 05, 2007

When Demo's Fight..

UPDATE: Brian's Blog has received "Official" confirmation that this meeting occurred the Monday following the election of Don Daugherty. Don was elected with 59% of the vote. Impressive. The Metro Pulse was not clear when the meeting had occurred. A good friend Hubert Smith had called Brian's Blog after the post went up and he had assumed the meeting was after the election. Brian's Blog was assuming the meeting occurred the Monday before the Convention, because the MP is notoriously late in covering items of such significance. But, Hubert you were right and Brian's Blog was wrong. Well, there's a first time for everything. That first time being that Brian's Blog was wrong.

According to the Metro Pulse Ear to the Ground today. Mildred Buffler a member of the Mildred Buffler Democratic Women's Day Club was asked to leave the club meeting that bears her name prior to the beginning of the most recent meeting. It appears according to the report (if you can believe the MP) that the club President and at the time Interim KnoxDem Chair Betty Reddick was unhappy because Buffler was supporting Reddick's opponent for KnoxDem Chair Don Daugherty.

Don Daugherty defeated Reddick this past Saturday to lead the Demo's for the next two years. Buffler apparently did not want to create a stir, so she left as requested. Brian's Blog figures that Buffler being a good loyal Democrat activist organizer spent the hour or so calling all the Democrat men and women not present at the club meeting lobbying for Daugherty.

Betty Reddick should have known better. You keep your friends close but your enemies closer. It cost Reddick a legitimate term as the KnoxDem Chair.

As KnoxGOP Chairman, I always believed and practiced that you allow people to vent. Even when they were upset with me and keep the differences of opinion within the family. We may not have agreed but everyone had their say, even my most fierce opponent.


  1. Brian,
    This didn't happen. The MetroPulse did to Betty Reddick what they did to Gordan Boyd - they got it wrong.


  2. Steve,

    I wouldn't be surprised that Metro Pulse got it wrong. However, after this went up on Brian's Blog. A local Democrat Activist put up a similar post on that local blog forum and she has recently indicated that it appears that there is a feud between Mildred and Betty.

    The main point is that Betty is no longer an issue as she got beat for Chair. Her many years in politics, she should have kept her friends close but her enemies closer.

    Don't kick your enemies out of the meeeting, where they can do more harm to you.
