Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Has Died - Pray for his Family and the Extended Falwell Family

Update: It is confirmed that Rev. Falwell has passed. It is a sad day here on earth. But a joyous time for Rev. Falwell as he reached his heavenly reward. Pray for the family and the family of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University and the extended family of the Southern Baptist Church.

Original Post: Fox News is reporting that Rev. Jerry Falwell was found unconscious this morning and has been sent to the hospital in "gravely serious" condition.

It has also been reported though not confirmed that Rev. Falwell may have passed.

Please pray for Rev. Falwell and his family. When his time comes it will be a joyous home going.

Rev. Falwell's trail blazing many years ago with the founding of the Moral Majority gave many of us young people a voice and a light of direction for involvement in the political process.

I will post more on his public influence that help shape and guide me in the future.

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