Saturday, May 05, 2007

If It Bleeds, It Leads

I have just finished reading the book If It Bleeds, It Leads An Anatomy of Television News written by Matthew R. Kerbel.

This book was published in 2000. It breaks down specific news stories that appeared in local and national television news reports between 1997 -1999. The extensive Notes section at the end of the book, documents all sources and when the reports ran. The compilation of the book is intriguing as it begins at 4:00 p.m. and runs to 6:29:59 with ad breaks, teasers and station identification.

This book along with two previously read books make up the Brian's Blog mandatory reading for anyone that is currently holding public office or considering running for public office. Anyone that be may the focus of news reporting in the future should read these three books before exposing you and your family and friends lives to this adventure.

I wish I had read all three prior to running for elective office in 2000 and before having served as an elected official from 2000-2004. It would have really helped to have read them before serving as Knox County Republican Party Chairman from 2005-2007.

Although the two previous books, I did read while serving as GOP Chairman and the two books helped me in not putting up and in countering the two tabloid girls over in North Knox County.

By the way, let there be no confusion on what a tabloid girl or tabloid editor girl is. It has nothing to do with the size of the paper they print their paper on. It has to do with a National Enquirer/Jerry Springer style -vs- the Oprah Winfrey style. The tabloid girl and tabloid editor girl use the National Enquirer/Jerry Springer style while others like the Fountain City Focus are reputable Oprah Winfrey style publications. I digress.

The Brian's Blog compilation are 1) Bias 2) Arrogance and 3) If It Bleeds, It Leads.

There they are, check them out and you will have the information that will expose the media in each City and Town, State, Region and in our Country.

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