Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Jerry Falwell Remembered by Pastor Rod Parsley

Dr. Jerry Falwell inspired America with his moral conviction and spiritual outreach. His death this week saddened our hearts; but, I know heaven will surely welcome him. The world has lost a devoted, faithful Christian role model, yet we should rejoice in the fact that at this very moment he is home with his Father.

Others may eulogize Jerry Falwell the conservative, but I'll praise Jerry Falwell the pastor and the person. I am forever thankful for the Christian leadership Dr. Falwell provided throughout his life. Please join me in prayer for the loving family Dr. Falwell left to cherish his memory.

He was a wonderful husband and father. He and his wife, Macel, would have celebrated their 50th anniversary next year. I'm praying for her and their three children, Jerry, Jonathan and Jeannie, and their eight grandchildren. He deeply loved them.

In the end, that's one of the ways you measure a man - by his relationship with his family.

I'm proud I was part of his extended family - the Family of God. I appreciate the way he reached out to me and encouraged me to reach out to future generations of Christian leaders as well.

This Friday, I will receive an honorary doctorate of humanities from one of Dr. Falwell's most prominent legacies, Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. It saddens me that I will not receive it from him in person, because he was both a gracious friend to me and a patient teacher. My hope is that someday I would be proven worthy of the greatness of the man who honored me with his blessing and his friendship.

Pastor Rod Parsley

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