Thursday, May 31, 2007

The National Spelling Bee

Instead of watching sitcoms or just anything on TV, I watched the National Spelling Bee on ABC. The final 15 became 1 beginning at 8 p.m. Of the 15 many were home schooled or Charter schooled. Brian's Blog will do some research on the 15 and see how many are actual public school students.

It was the best two hours of TV that I have watched in a long time. You just feel so bad for the kids that miss it by one letter and seeing the disappointment in the kids eyes as the bell rings.

This is evidence that there is a hope and a future for our country.

My only claim to fame was being the fourth grade representative in my elementary school's spelling bee.

Now all of you Brian Hornback critics can begin to laugh and question the IQ of the entire fourth grade of my elementary school.

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