Saturday, May 12, 2007

PEFA - Is It Only In and For Knox County? It is Your Tax Dollars Part II

The first Brian's Blog post about PEFA was about a week ago. It is here. Since that time (this week has been busy) I have talked with Mark Donaldson the Executive Director of the MPC. (Metropolitan Planning Commission)

In the individual PEFA studies for Knox County and Loudon County. The recommendations of new school construction or the recommendations of no or limited additional school construction are recommendations of the PBA (Public Building Authority) not PEFA as the reports would indicate.

The PEFA reports really appear to be a marketing tool for the Knoxville/Knox County PBA.

I asked Mr. Donaldson if the rumor were accurate about PEFA getting ready to conduct a study in Sullivan County, TN. He said there had been some discussion but no commitment to date, due to travel considerations to Sullivan County as it is a couple of hours away from Knoxville/Knox County.

Mr. Donaldson really appears to be a knowledgeable, transparent leader of the MPC organization. In a world filled with government bureaucrats that are not transparent. It is refreshing to see one.

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