Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Richard Land’s Comments Upon The Death Of Jerry Falwell

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — “A true giant of the faith has gone on to his heavenly reward,” said Richard Land, president of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. “Our grief at our loss of his witness, energy and giftedness for the kingdom is mitigated by the fact that he is now with his Savior for eternity. Dr. Falwell’s home-going leaves an enormous gap in the leadership ranks of evangelical Christianity in America and around the world. He will be greatly missed. Our hearts and prayers go out to his church members and the entire Liberty family, including professors, alumni and students, as well as his immediate family. We pray for them in this time of loss, as well as our loss of this true giant of the faith.”

The website of The Ethics & Religious Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention is found here. Richard Land's Bio is located here.

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