Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion

Cindy Buttry and Robert Bratton have presented a Substitute Motion that will create a zone west of Pellissippi Parkway north of I-40 and have Hardin Valley as an Open Zoning option.

Dr. Murphy asked how many 9-12 students in this zone? CB says in the HVHS zone 385 students. Dr.M asked for clarification what would happen at Farragut? CB says Karns will decrease 350 students. Farragut will change slightly. We will be rezoning in 5 years eventually any way. If you believe MPC's numbers, let's wait. We are giving everyone in the county the opportunity to attend Hardin Valley. Let's put our money where our mouth is.

Indya Kincannon Thanks for writing your amendment. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in proposing it. We have overcrowding at Karns and Farragut. Kincannon turns to the audience and says How many of you would opt to send your kids to Hardin Valley? The crowd asked what kind of school will it be. Kincannon says I support open enrollment. Time will tell if she supports open enrollment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    We have two school board members who actually heard parents and tried to come up with a better plan. They deserve re-election.
