Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion

Thomas Deakins (continued) ask a question to Donna Wright: What will this do to curriculm? Donna Wright. You build a core and then build the rest with who shows up. Deakins: so you could survey all potential 9th graders to see if they intend to come.

Karen Carson when I look at 385 if that is 4 grades. That is only 96 students per grade. Does that include grandfathering? Buttry that is not part of the proposal. Carson: I keep hearing parental involvement, I am a proponent of that. We have had 30 hours of Community forums. Editorial Note: Community forums are not public hearings, The community forums are an avenue with no give and take. We are putting Sallie Reynolds at a disadvantgeous.

Thomas Deakins: If you did a rezoning in 2011 it would have to be a mandatory rezoning.

Much mundane discussion is underway by the School Board Members.

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