Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Public/Parent Forum

Robert Williams of Farragut asks the board to involve the parents. With this plan we are fracturing feeder plans. A study of transportation study hasn't been completed. Children succeed when adults work together. You can vote Yes and keep our feet firmly planted in the past. You can vote yes and say you do not want public participation. Vote No and say we do want parents involved, our community is important. audience ovation.

Fiona Hill of Farragut. Life is a compromise. I listened Monday night to each amendment and each board member made valid points. I ask that you vote for all three amendments that were preented Monday night.

Debra Van Metre of Knox County. How can you actually vote for this plan when you have heard valid concerns. Our kids say I have a booboo, make it quit hurting and go away. Please do not solve this with a bandaid.

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