Tuesday, May 01, 2007

TN General Assembly - What a difference a Leadership Change in the State Senate Makes

This years change in leadership in the Tennessee State Senate with Republican Ron Ramsey serving as Lt. Governor is affecting the leadership in the lower House. A Rising Tide Raises All Boats and that is evidenced this year in the State House and State Senate.

Look for Tennessee Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen later this week (Thursday) to announce a modification to the BEP (Basic Education Program) funding to assist the large urban districts.

Is it enough? Will it make a difference? Only time and the rise in tide will tell.


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    But Terry Frank thinks it's all a sell-out to the teachers' unions!!! What'll you tell the children. Are you a conservative Republican are just a RINO?

  2. Elrod you are confused. This post has nothing to do with the Governor's BEP "proposed" solution.

    This post has to do with the fresh leadership at the Capital. Conservatives talking about tax relief due to a liberal Democrat Governor stockpiling taxpayer cash.

    If we obtain a tax reduction on our groceries then that is the principles of a Conservative Republican not a RINO.

    As for Terry Frank she is opining on the proposed solution, which I haven't posted on. As for a change of leadership in Nashville, I have commented on that, that is the post you just read, Elrod.

    Thanks for visiting Brian's Blog.
