Friday, May 11, 2007

Trustee Sisk

If you have followed the story that Brian's Blog broke the day before Knoxville's daily newspaper covered it about Trustee Sisk. The story has to do with the Trustee not agreeing to a hiring freeze. His reason for opposing the hiring freeze in the Sentinel was the need to hire part timers in the event that his staff would have to assist Senior Citizens with the tax freeze exemption.

Two problems with his explanation on this issue. 1) Part timers are not a party to the county wide hiring freeze. Only full time positions are covered in any hiring freeze. 2) The only time when the Senior Citizens would need to apply and be covered for the tax freeze is when there is a property tax increase.

Brian's Blog covered the story two days prior to the Mayor's budget address and the Knoxville News - Sentinel one day before.

So, obviously Trustee Sisk believed that there would be a property tax increase as did 50% of the City County Building and all the MSM (Main Steam Media)

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