Friday, June 29, 2007

Anonymous Allegations?

For those of you following or have seen the recent Wednesday & Thursday editions of the Knoxville News--Sentinel about School Board Member Robert Bratton and an unnamed Custodian at South Doyle Middle School.

My question is if Robert's identity is revealed. Why are the news media in Knoxville allowing the female's identity to be anonymous?

At first glance it would appear that the News-Sentinel, WBIR and WATE (WVLT did not run the story on Tuesday night) are participating in a "political hit" to bring down a public official.


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Can you explain the school video from the Sentinel?

  2. Brian;
    If Bratton had not been known in the past to publicly conduct himself like a horse's rear, I might be a bit more sympathetic.

  3. herb king

    Thanks for asking. There is nothing in that video that confirms the anonymous custodian's account.

    Dave O.

    I will not defend Bratton on his past actions of being a horse's rear. I have told him many, many times in the past that he should be selective in the political fights he wages. Obviously, he doesn't take my advice so well.

    Thanks to you both. Keep reading.

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I do not know if Bratton is innocent or guilty of these accusations. But, as far as the woman's identity being revealed, victims of (alleged) sexual abuse are typically not named. This is nothing new and this is not evidence of a "political hit".

  5. Sharon,

    I apologize that you assume that because I posted about the anonymous allegation that this is only reason I believe that it is a political hit.

    There are other reasons that I am aware of that cause me to believe it is a political hit. Further details that at this point I am NOT willing to share with the whole blogosphere.

    My secondary complaint is that Mr. Bratton is exposed and suffers public scrutiny but not the anonymous custodian

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Mr. Bratton is a public official, and therefore is therefore more open to public scrutiny than is a "private citizen." And, it is common practice in news media not to name victims (or alleged victims) of sexual misconduct.

    The fly in the lemonade, of course, would be if the allegations are false, and the "victim" were made to 'fess up and face scrutiny of her own.

