Friday, June 15, 2007

Brian Hornback and The Shopper Part I

November 2006 (Actually the week of Thanksgiving) Sandra Clark, Bruce Hartmann and I met in a conference room at the Knoxville News-Sentinel to discuss the numerous factual errors and the violation of journalistic standards and ethics of one part (the part about me) of the trilogy County Confidential written by Betty Bean in August 2006.

At the conclusion of our one hour plus meeting, we came to two concessions. One that I would submit an accurate account of the numerous nonfactual statements reported by Betty Bean. This statement was posted on the HallsNews website the first of January 2007 and the Shopper informed the readers in the print edition that my response was on the website. Second, in response to the lapse of journalistic ethics and standards of reporter Betty Bean the Shopper in the future would contact me for reaction in any future story involving my name, position or person.

A couple of weeks ago Larry Van Guilder wrote a column that referred to Brian's Blog and myself. I honestly believe that Larry is unaware of the E.W. Scripps agreement. (until he reads this post) However, Sandra as Editor previewed the column and allowed it to go to print without adhering to the agreement.

If you are running a simple fax machine community newspaper organization it is not necessary to keep your word. However for the past year and a half she is an employee of a media conglomerate and had agreed to these concessions.

In that meeting, she accused me of being an operative for another politician and I was quick to point out that I have friends on both sides and on every floor of the courthouse and gave examples of my friendships. She then stated that she really likes me and supported me in my first campaign. I pointed out to Mr. Hartmann and to Ms. Clark that again Sandra is inaccurate that she had recruited a slate of candidates for County Commission in 1990 and I told her "Sandra, you supported Connie Whitehead." She agreed that I was accurate.

In February 2005, Sandra, Jake Mabe and I met at Litton's Market to discuss my candidacy for KnoxGOP Chairman. She said "bygones are passed. We (Shopper) are supporting you for Chairman." The comment bygones is her reference to the numerous attacks that she had printed about me while I served as an elected Representative on the school board from 2000-2004. By the way it took her less than two days to go back on her word that she was supporting me for Chairman.

So, there is a pattern of the Editor saying one thing but the actions of the Editor being the opposite.

This the beginning of a series detailing the history of the Shopper and I. The next post will begin detailing shortly before 1990 when I was a 23 year old Republican candidate running for County Commission. I ran against a 23 year incumbent (Joe McMillian) and a Sandra Clark supported candidate (Connie Whitehead). The 23 year incumbent was re-elected with 112 more votes than I received, the Sandra Clark candidate finished a distant third.

Stay Tuned

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