Monday, June 04, 2007

Commenting Is Allowed

The past couple of months commenting has been allowed and several comments have been published. There have been a couple that we have posted that were close to violating the Brian's Blog Rules of Engagement, however they were published.

This is a reminder that if you desire to comment on what you read, you are welcome to do so. However, this blog was established in August of 2004 by Brian Hornback as he was completing his term of public service on the Knox County School Board. There are established rules for commenting and if you desire to be published as Anonymous or in any other way, you will have to follow the rules.

You are not allowed to run traffic signals or drive 90 miles an hour in a 15 mile per hour school zone. Adhere to the rules and we will have healthy discussion of the issues. Do not follow the rules and you will not be published.

Here are the Rules, as they appear on the front page of Brian's Blog.

It has become necessary to establish the Rules of Engagement due to individuals in the words of my neighbor's father that are "ill-bred and half raised." Any obscene, racist or sexually explicit language will not be published. Any personal attacks will not be published. Comments that are abusive, hateful, that defame or insult will not be published. Comments that are off-topic or not in English will not be published. Any posting for the sake of attention will not be published. Comments that might be construed as threats, harassment and stalking will not be published and will be made available to the proper law enforcement officials. Any posting the same comment more than once will result in your original post being deleted. You take responsibility for the comments that you provide here and participate at your own risk. Brian's Blog takes no responsibility for your comments or actions. When comments are not published, it is because they violate one or more of the rules.

Any Anonymous post will be carefully reviewed by the Brian's Blog team. It will be rare that an anonymous post is published as Brian Hornback puts his name on the posts found on this blog and he believes that you should put your name on your comments, as well. For example, You can not write a letter to the Knoxville News-Sentinel or any other reputable newspaper and hide behind a shield of cowardice.

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