Monday, June 18, 2007

Halls Republican Club Tonight

Wow. A Big crowd come out to the Halls Republican Club to hear a legislative update from State Representative Bill Dunn. He did an exceptional job. Many officials and Representatives of Officials were present. Trustee Fred Sisk, several Representive's of Register of Deeds Sherry Witt, Irene McCrary, GOP Party Chair, County Commissioner Scott Moore and R. Larry Smith, a Representative of Property Assessor John Whitehead and myself.

I thanked the club for their support during my term as Chairman and encouraged them to support Irene in the same manner.

Sandra Clark of E.W. Scripps Shopper arrived 42 minutes late and unlike the budget hearing after the meeting concluded when I spoke she said Hello and was extremely friendly and didn't give the same greeting that she gave Steve Hunley less than a year ago.

I believe she is beginning to respect the influence of the blogosphere.

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