Sunday, June 10, 2007

Knox County Budget Hearing

I attended the Knox County Budget Hearing Thursday night. The one meeting that has generated lots of talk the last few days. The public didn't attend but the media and political junkies were in attendance.

I guess that as a blogger I qualify for media but then that would be a step down from political junkie. (Hmm, think, think). I will just say that I am political media.

The one thing that I agreed with at the hearing and was the sole individual that clapped in affirmation is when Gloria Ray stepped up to the microphone and said that she favored wooden bats -vs- aluminum (metal) bats.

Who came up with College baseball using metal bats? We need a campaign to bring back the wooden bats!

You too can Come on Along and join the wooden bat parade.

UPDATE: I have just been reminded by my friend Hubert Smith how Gloria Ray had come up with her comment. There had been a previous discussion with Marvin Hammond of Hallsdale Powell Utility District about Concrete pipe or PVC pipe (The dreaded Storm water issue) Gloria Ray had to follow that. She said that she doesn't have a preference for Concrete or PVC. She favors Wooden bats over aluminum. Now you know the rest of the story.

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