Monday, June 25, 2007

Knox County School Officials and School Board Visit China

This article appeared in today's Knoxville News-Sentinel. I contacted Russ Oaks of Knox County Schools and he affirmed that the cost for this trip is being funded by the Chinese Government.

However, the salaries of these officials Donna Wright, Ed Hedgepeth and School Board Chairman Karen Carson are being paid and no work product is being produced to the benefit of the school district.

Post September 11, 2001 all out of country trips were canceled to my knowledge that ban has not been lifted. Families of band students at Bearden High School lost significant amount of money due to the Superintendent canceling out of country trips.

But now the ban does not apply to Senior staff and School Board Members. Just like a parent that says "do as I say, not as I do." This is evidence that a double standard does exist within the "School Family" leadership.


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Why is the trip necessary? I thought the former Superintendent gave us "world class" schools? The Chinese should be coming here (at their own expense) to see our schools.

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I was curious were China ranked on list of countries rated excellent in education. If I recall the speakers comments accurately from the last education summitt, places like China ensure that only the smartest get educated. While we in America believe, everyone deserves an education. I hope the trip is worthwhile and we gain some much needed competitive insight.
