Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Knox County Young Republicans

Last evening the Knox County Young Republicans met at the Greene Hills Grill. Matthew (Matt) Jones spoke about his candidacy for County Commission Sixth District Seat A.

Matt talked about his background, his current employment as a Probation Officer in the Juvenile Court and he talked about his desire to represent all the families of the Sixth District. Matt is married. He and his wife are raising their two children.

The Fountain City Focus this week wrote about Matt's candidacy in a story about the Fountain City Republican Club. The Focus is an excellent paper that covers the new stories from around Knox County.

Matt's motives for running for Commission is to work in helping families and young people. It is refreshing to see someone with Matt's experience and attitude take on the challenge of running for office. Matt deserves the consideration and vote of the citizens of the Sixth District.

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