Thursday, July 19, 2007

Knoxville News-Sentinel Gets It Wrong. Are You Surprised?

This Knoxville News-Sentinel's editorial today got a minor detail wrong. Are you surprised? I think the Gossip and Lies from its recently acquired tabloid is rubbing off on the flagship paper.

Here is the error. "Lowe now is considering running in 2008 for county clerk, a post currently held by Billy Tindell, who was term limited as a county commissioner. Scott Moore, commission chairman, also is seeking the clerk’s position. And on and on."

I know that Mike Lowe has been encouraged to run for Knox County Property Assessor, not County Clerk. Nothing is final until Mike Lowe announces his intentions. However, Mike is getting tremendous support from all over Knox County to run for Property Assessor.

It would really help for the News-Sentinel to make sure that even when the reporting Rumor and Gossip that it not become a lie. With that said. Twenty- four hours is a life time in politics, so Lowe could decide to run for Assessor, Clerk, Register or in 2010 Mayor.

Before the News-Sentinel prints something it attempts to pass off as fact it should ask the subject of the paragraph.


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Cindy Buttry has also been stronly encouraged to run. She knows the office well as she has been there for many years. She also works harder for her constituents than most public officials Mike Lowe would be O.K. too bases on the Trustee and Assessor's close duties. Phil Ballard does not appear to be qualified.

  2. Cindy Buttry would be great in the Assessor's office as The Assessor. She has over 13 years of experience in the ofice and a college degree.

    She is currently spending her public service time in an extended mission field called the Knox County School Board. She is making a positive impact for kids there with the cooperation of most of the board.

    However, if she were to run I would support her. She is running for re-election to the school board in 2008, is my understanding.
