Saturday, July 07, 2007

Ministry Mutiny - Greg Stier

One morning driving to work I was listening to the Morning Bob Bell Show on Joy 62. Bob asked a trivia question, I knew the answer and called in and WON. What I won was a Pastor prize pack. A great DVD and a book entitled Ministry Mutiny by Greg Stier.

I have just finished reading it and it is a great book. It begins with a youth pastor prepared and ready to resign. As he is preparing to submit his resignation he meets another youth pastor. One with many years of experience over the next six days he shares with our main character six different principles of committing ministry mutiny.

The principles are presented in a youth ministry perspective. However, you can incorporate these six principles in your work, family and everyday life as well.

There are divine appointments in our everyday life and we should always be looking for them and recognizing them for what they are divine. There is a benefit in seeking out a mentor and a younger person that we can invest our time, energy and insight into.

I am grateful that I was listening to Bob Bell that morning as I listen nearly every morning and that I received this free gift of the book. I will be sharing this book with others.

Check out The Bob Bell Show on AM 620 WRJZ every week day Monday – Friday 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.

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