Thursday, July 12, 2007

There Is At Least One or Two To Be Found In America

The U.S. Senate under Democrat control allowed the first ever non Christian prayer. Thankfully there was at least one or two believers to be found in America that took a stand.

Thank to BreitBart for the video.


  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I guess you don't believe in freedom of religion. Sad, that.

  2. I do believe in Freedom of Religion. In contemplating this after I posted it, I would be more outraged if it were a Muslim prayer and not a Hindu prayer.

    So in hind sight, I committed a knee jerk reaction and for that I apologize.

    You ask. Why would it be worst if it were a Muslim prayer? Because Muslims are the ones wanting to kill the Americans.

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. Would you be outraged by a Christian prayer?

    Americans have the freedom to be Christians, Muslims, Hindus, deists, Wiccans, or atheists. That's one of the freedoms we enjoy.

    Personally, I don't think organized prayer belongs in a government meeting. But if it does, then all religous traditions should be respected.

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    You said "You ask. Why would it be worst if it were a Muslim prayer? Because Muslims are the ones wanting to kill the Americans."

    All of them?
