Monday, July 09, 2007

West Knox Republican Club Picnic

A Great time was had by all. This evening from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. the West Knox Republican Club held their annual July picnic at the Deane Hill Recreation / Community Center.

Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr attended (he received a standing ovation) and spoke briefly to those in attendance. He said. "Many people are talking about Fred Thompson. Let me say that I will vote for any of our candidates before I vote for any of theirs." For those of you in Greater Del Rio. He is talking about Democrats.

Church Hill, TN Attorney and potential Republican State Senate candidate (for State Senate District 4) Mike Faulk attended and handed out his whistle/flashlight/compass. Speaking of which I resorted to helping Joy McCroskey's young grandchildren begin using theirs immediately. She may never speak to me again.

Judge Dale Workman began auctioning off the cakes. (all donated by elected officials) Some that I remember. Commission Chairman Scott "Scoobie" Moore bought the cake of Senator Lamar Alexander. Second District Commissioner Chuck Bolus purchased the cake donated by Ken Knight. Lee Tramel purchased a variety of baked goods donated by Judge Tony Stansberry. Commissioner Phil Ballard spent $200 on a cheesecake donated by Commissioner Lee Tramel. Foster Arnett purchased a baked good. A loyal Republican (that is not an elected official, so I will spare her the public notoriety) purchased the prune cake donated by Sheriff Jimmy "J.J" Jones.

There were many others. Oh. Yeah. I purchased one of the cakes donated by Judge Geoff Emery. As Judge Workman handed me the cake, I made some remark that Judge Emery is the only Judge I like at the City - County Building. That was a joke for those of you in Greater Del Rio. I am not sure why I bought a cake as the wife and I are not eating cake. (The wife is doing better than me, but I am refraining) Well, it was a fun night.

City Council members Joe Bailey and Chris Woodhull were in attendance. City Judge John Rossen was there. County Commissioners Scott Moore, Richard Cate, Lee Tramel, Chuck Bolus, R. Larry Smith, Jack Huddleston and Phil Ballard. Law Director John Owings, Trustee Fred Sisk, Circuit Court Clerk Cathy Quist, Nick McBride representing Register of Deeds Sherry Witt, Chief Tom Spangler representing Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones, Judges Tony Stansberry, Andrew Jackson, VI, Tim Irwin, Dale Workman. State Senators Jamie Woodson, Tim Burchett. State Representatives Frank Niceley and Bill Dunn. Sixth District County Commission candidate Matt Jones, Fourth District County Commission candidates Walter Wojnar and Ed Shouse. Foster Arnett, Jr candidate for County Clerk.

I am sure that I have accidentally left one or two off. Send me an email and I will add the ones that I have accidentally left off.

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