Monday, August 20, 2007

Betty Bean Losing It Over On The Liberal Blog?

UPDATE: The character known as Betty Bean obviously reads Brian's Blog. At 4:09 p.m. she changed the verbage to read.

Re Dwight VandeVate:He's Submitted by Bbeanster on Mon, 2007/08/20 - 4:09pm. Re Dwight VandeVate: He's facing people who are demanding that he pay back car money -- a couple of year's worth would be $24,000. That's something to worry about. And in fairness, I doubt Dwight asked to be paid that way.

I'm dying for somebody to ask Scoob about the clothing allowance and the multi-week paid maternity leave the sheriff's department gave his wife when she was hired to do a job that previously required a college degree (which she, of course, doesn't have).

I am reliably informed that he shopped the poor girl all over the courthouse looking for a suitable sinecure for her.

Since Betty Bean is reading Brian's Blog, here are three questions for you. Why don't you ask Scobby the question? Sandra holding you back? Is it because Larry Van Guilder is far more qualified to cover the county than you?

ORIGINAL POST: 2:39 p.m. Betty Bean, E.W. Scripps reporter posted the following this afternoon over at the liberal blog.

Re Dwight VandeVate: He's Submitted by Bbeanster on Mon, 2007/08/20 - 2:19pm.
Re Dwight VandeVate: He's facing people who are demanding that he pay back car money -- a couple of year's worth would be $24,000. That's something to worry about. And in fairness, I doubt Dwight asked to be paid that way.

I'm dying for somebody to ask Scoob about the clothing allowance and the multi-week paid maternity leave the sheriff's department gave her when she was hired to do a job that previously required a college degree (which she, of course, doesn't have).

I am reliably informed that he shopped the poor girl all over the courthouse looking for a suitable sinecure for her.

When she makes reference to the "Scoob", she is talking about Commission Chairman Scott "Scobby" Moore. Why is Betty making reference to Scobby as a woman? "the clothing allowance and the multi-week paid maternity leave the sheriff's department gave her when she " It is obvious that Betty needs some time off for something. She has always been confused, but dang, now it is getting bizarre.

BTW, Betty is a supposed "investigative" reporter. Why doesn't Betty ask "Scoob"?


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Probaby because most reputable politicians have been burned by Bean or Clark and their lies or "creative" reporting as they like to call it.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Betty Bean is a mean person and tries to bully people.

    When she goes into county offices she sits on the furniture. Not on a chair but on tables in the government offices. She is very unprofessional in every way.

  3. First Anonymous,

    not true at all.

    Betty and Sandra are ignored. The reason that people are paying attention is that the real media is exposing it (the News-Sentinel and WBIR)

    You know alot of people read the National Enquirer and other tabloids and laugh. That is exactly what happens with the Slopper. They read it and laugh.

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Slopper!!! Ha! That is a good one!

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Betty wants to be the story instead of report the story. That is why she can't make it as a real reporter.
