Monday, August 27, 2007

Knox County Commission Meets And Moncier Sentencing Today

UPDATE: Herbert got a one year probation, $5000.00 fine and ordered community service for his criminal contempt conviction. Judge Greer has also ordered Moncier to undergo an anger management class and a three hour legal ethics class. Judge Greer said in sentencing Moncier “I can say without reservation no lawyer that practices in this court exhibits the kind of behavior you do.” Moncier should be grateful that Judge Greer was a easy on him as he was.

I would suggest that former Knox County Sheriff Tim Hutchison teach the anger management class and Sheriffs Department employee Mike Ruble teach the three hour legal ethics class.
In Commission business, it appears that my prediction was accurate. On the first reading it appears from the media reports that developers have options and not a mandatory use of concrete pipe. The other prediction was accurate as well. The motion to add the re-do to the agenda failed.

Original Post 7:09 a.m.: The Knox County Commission meets today at 2:00 p.m., I have a business commitment that will keep me busy this afternoon.

I am predicting that the re-do will not pass. I hope they pass the storm water ordinance, but come up with language that will allow concrete and/or metal pipe. I understand the arguments and I respect Sam Parnell who sent me some great information on the city's ordinance. I just don't like a mandatory prohibition for anything other than one form of drainage piping.

Also, today in Greeneville Herb Moncier is scheduled to be sentenced on his contempt charge. I will be professional, cordial and will simply await the sentencing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Send Monsewer up the river!
