Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mayor Ragsdale's Neighborhood Night

Last night at the Burlington Branch Library, Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale and his staff held a Neighborhood Night. Over 100 people attended for over 2 hours. Not one mention about P-Cards, Lobster Lunches or any of the controversies going on in and around the Mayor's office in Knox County.

There were many residents that praised Cynthia Finch and the work she has accomplished serving as the Community Services Director for the Mayor. A gentleman even brought his young child to have the Mayor's picture taken kissing the young child.

WATE and the Knoxville News-Sentinel were in attendance. As soon as WATE discovered that there was no controversy, they immediately packed up and left. The reporter for the Sentinel Ansley Haman remained through the entire evening and in this morning's paper not one printed word about the positive reaction to the Mayor and his Neighborhood Night. I am sure that was the Editor's call and not Ansley's.


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