Friday, August 17, 2007

A Report on Mayor Ragsdale?

Last evening, there was an interesting post over at the local blog forum about a report put out by Sandra Lea, author of Whirlwind. The report is a re-hash of the Tyler Harber investigation. Looking at some of the comments on the local blog forum, I thought I had it all figured out.

If you can believe what the local tabloid editor girl has to say. She had this comment.

Lea's standards Submitted by Sandra Clark on Thu, 2007/08/16 - 9:19pm.
Lea's standards are not high. I was amazed at the lack of professionalism in both writing and editing in Whirlwind, but Lea does tell a good tale.
She's a wind-up doll writer -- somebody sticks a pen in her hand, tells her what to say and she writes (and writes and writes).
Jesse Barr was behind the scenes on Whirlwind. For Boss Ragsdale, I'd guess the villians are Scoobie, Lumpy, Chucky, Sneezy and Doc. -- s.

I instantly put one and one together and came up with two. 1) Jesse Barr is Finance Manager at Dean Stallings Ford. + 1) Former Knox County Sheriff Tim Hutchison is a partner in the ownership of Dean Stallings Ford. = 2) Sheriff Tim must be behind it.

So, according to the inferences made by local tabloid editor girl Sheriff Tim was the man behind the report.

But then this afternoon, guess what happened. Sandra Lea opined into the forum and surprise, surprise, surprise. Local tabloid editor girl got it wrong again. Dang, I hate when that happens to her. Really, I do.

Here is what Sandra Lea said in response to Sandra Clark.

Lea's Standards Submitted by Sandra Lea on Fri, 2007/08/17 - 2:34pm.
Sorry, Sandra Clark. You're wrong again. Jesse Barr was not behind my book. I didn't even contact Jesse for interviews until about six months become Whirlwind went to the publisher.

A Brian's Blog note to Sandra Lea. You don't need to apologize to Sandra Clark. In recent weeks and months she has been continually reminded that she rarely get the facts straight or right. It has become expected and according to my sources her Supervisor's at E.W. Scripps are becoming accustomed to it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    When will Sandra Clark learn to report stories without a bias and to shut her mouth on the liberal blog. She exposes herself and her "friends". She may well be the former tabloid editor girl at E.W. Scripps.
