Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Utimate Elvis Tribute Artist

This past week in Memphis at Graceland they crowned the #1 Elvis tribute artist. Here is the story from today's KnoxNews website. Here is a video of Shawn Klush as Elvis. Shawn Klush has a website and it is located here.

As evidenced by this youtube video Shawn is good. The artist that I have seen in concert that I have been impressed with is Travis Ledoyt. Travis Ledoyt's website is located here. Travis has won contests as the Best Young Elvis. However, it appears that the contest held this week that Shawn won is the Ultimate crown.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Elvis still has an impact 30 years after his untimely death.

    Thanks for this post.

  2. They're no Jake Mabe, but, you know...

  3. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Shawn Klush asked to Give Up Crown.

    Elvis Presley fans and eta's across the globe have come together to voice their opinion of the first ever sponsored Ultimate Elvis Contest by EPE. But Now has been taineted with the words of CHEAT. Seems the Williamson County Fair hired Shawn Klush Manager Dan Lentino and Shawn Klush' Band to host the ultimate Elvis contest and to back all the eta's whom were contestants in the Viva Las Franklin Ultimate contest gave Shawn Klush an unfair advantage & the ultimate contest win in Memphis, TN. Tennesseee Attorney General' dept of consumer affairs is investigating the matter and has requested all those that have entered any of the Ultimate contests or fans that feel they have been frauded to contact them at
