Friday, September 21, 2007

The Cawood/Quist Connection?

UPDATE: Friday September 21, 2007 9:00 p.m. Brian's Blog has received a message from an insider to the Cawood's admitting that Sharon and Mark cut deals to appoint herself. They attempt to implicate everyone else. However, that is a stretch. But, we do have insider information and a confession that Sharon cut deals, thus she violated the "Sunshine Law".

Original Post: As we reported here a few days ago. Word is moving through the courthouse that Sharon Cawood is preparing to run for Property Assessor as a Democrat. Those plans may be changing soon.

Bob McGee, current Republican General Sessions Judge is running for Criminal Court Judge as a Republican in 2008. When he is successful and takes the Criminal Court bench on September 1, 2008.

There will be less than 2 years remaining on Cathy Quist current term as Circuit, General Sessions and Juvenile Court Clerk. Quist will then pursue the County Commission appointment to the General Sessions Court Judge position, as she did in January of 2006 during the Brenda Waggoner retirement vacancy. In January 2006, Quist actually withdrew from consideration. However, Quist maintains a desire to become a Judge. When the Commission appoints Quist to the General Sessions Judge postion, her current position becomes vacant.

Sharon Cawood would then pursue the Circuit, General Sessions and Juvenile Court Clerk position. Sharon having been successful in her current husband cutting deals to appoint her to the County Commission seat that she currently holds has the necessary experience to gain the appointment through "the process". After all Cawood has 7 months experience in the Clerk's position as a $42,000.00 a year courier. Driving court files from Juvenile Court to the City County Building and stopping off at the local big box retailer, picking up wedding gifts in between the designated courier trips.

Stay tuned as it seems that Sharon Cawood is desperately trying hard to find a full time job that allows for plenty of errands and opportunities.

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