Monday, September 10, 2007

Knoxville's Sunsphere - Biography of a Landmark is Out and Available

You read about the book here last month. Martha Rose Woodward got the first shipment of books today. I was pleased to purchase my copy and Martha signed it for me. I purchased mine at the same time as my good friend and former Knoxville Mayor Randy Tyree purchased his.

You know what if today's Democrats were like Randy Tyree. The world would be a much better place.

O.k. back to Martha and Knoxville's Sunsphere Biography of a Landmark. Send her an email or visit her website, make your immediate plans to purchase a copy or four.

I attended the County Commission meeting this evening immediately after purchasing my copy and caught myself and others caught me reading the book during the Commission meeting. After getting home, I am still reading it. It is a fascinating story and I am pleased to have known several of the individuals that were instrumental in the design and construction of the Sunsphere on a personal and a professional basis.

Martha Rose Woodward, you did good. I look forward to sharing with all my blog readers a complete review of the book when I complete it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I am excited that it is out. Will the Knox County library have several copies at each branch for us to check out.
