Monday, September 17, 2007

Rumor about the Cawood Situation

O.k. everyone is trying to figure out about Fredrick Cawood. He picked up a petition on Friday. Why has Sharon Cawood the second sister in law for Fredrick not picked up a petition for the County Commission seat that she was appointed to fill after her second husband was dumped out of his seat by the Tennessee Supreme Court on January 12, 2007? Enquiring minds want to know.

The rumor among her Commission colleagues today during committee meetings is that she is going to pick up a petition for Property Assessor as a Democrat and she and her second husband Mark will throw their support behind Frederick for County Commission in 2008. In essence, keeping the check in the family.

The salary that she gave up at the Juvenile Court clerk's office $42,000.00 plus per year in addition to her $23,000.00 plus per year Commission salary will be replaced by a salary slightly over $100,000.00 a year as Property Assessor.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Perhaps the appointed commissioner is using some of the expensive stationery she purchased on the taxpayers' dime to prepare her run for office.
