Wednesday, September 19, 2007

State Representative Parkey Strader's Health and Re-Election

Mark Hancock and Becky Duncan Massey of Knoxville Sertoma meet with Rep. Strader in Nashville

After 2 rounds of Chemotherapy, 1 round of Radiation, and 3 Surgeries. The most recent scan of State Representative Park M. (Parkey) Strader's body reveals that he has NO cancer.

The News-Sentinel recently reported that Parkey has not made his decision about running for re-election. Actually, the reporter asked Parkey if he was running for re-election and he said Yes. But because of what I have gone through, I will announce in January. The reporter missed the YES.

I am pleased that God has answered the hundreds of thousands of prayers and has rid Parkey's body of the cancer.

I told Parkey that it is my desire that he run for re-election and to serve as my State Representative for the remainder of this term and next legislative term.

That is his plan.

Representative Strader checking in with a group of concerned constituents.

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