Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Farragut Admirals Make A BIG Stop.

The Admirals traveled over to Blount County to meet the Governors of William Blount.

With 10 seconds left in the game, the Governors are on the 1 yard line. They can tie the game with a successful extra point and go into overtime or they can win it with a 2 point conversion. What is the decision of William Blount coach Scott Meadows?

Meadows goes for the 2 point conversion to win the game. After all it is only one yard. Right?

But he forgot, these are the Admirals of Farragut. They coordinate and launch attacks from the water to win the battle and the war. So they ball is snapped and bam, the Governors are stopped dead in their tracks.

The Admirals win 36-35. Congratulations Admirals.

Next week it is Bradley County at Bradley County.

Happy Birthday last night to Admiral Coach Eddie Courtney. Not a finer man in all of Admiral land than Coach Courtney.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "After all it is only one yard. Right?"

    Wrong. Conversion attempts are from the 3 yard line.

    Nice attempt at being clever, though.

  2. Good point Blount County Coach Correction.

    The bottom line is Meadows blew it and his players were dealt a loss. Kick that extra point to go on and play another quarter with the possibility of winning in the fifth quarter.
