Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Questions Surface Concerning The Public Trust PAC

UPDATE: Greg Mackay has informed blogger Michael Silence that the report that was not on file yesterday but is now on file. Mackay however has told Silence that I (Brian Hornback) called yesterday. Mackay is flat out wrong, he should check his office phone records. As our original post says a source contacted and spoke with a longtime Knox County Election Commission employee. I am waiting for Mackay to issue an apology for stating a totally inaccurate statement about me personally, however, I will not hold my breath.

Original Post: The Public Trust PAC was formed following the January 31, 2007 County Commission appointment process. Former Senator Ben Atchley and Former County Executive Tommy Schumpert are the Chairs.

They appointed David Moon as Treasurer. The PAC have mailed out solicitations for contributions and are currently mailing out candidate surveys. However, sources that have talked with key employees of the Knox County Election Commission revealed to Brian's Blog that The Public Trust PAC has failed to file their financial report that was due on July 15, 2007. The employee of the Election Commission stated that continual request have been mailed and nothing has been received by The Public Trust PAC. The Election Commission employee said the PAC should be doing nothing at this time, as they are not current. Even if the mailings are being funded through in kind contributions a report must be filed.

So, the question is Can the public trust The Public Trust PAC? What is The Public Trust PAC hiding? Is this any different than the ongoing controversies within our government? It appears that this is dealings that are being accomplished outside the public view and not within the pre-determined public disclosure that is required by law.

Since Senator Atchley would have voted on and helped to create the public disclosure requirements through state law. The question would be what did the former Senator know and when did he know it?

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