Monday, October 08, 2007

Sharon Cawood's New Business And Cawood's Business Prospecting

Sources within the Karns Business and Professional Association have sent me an email that former Juvenile Court Clerk Courier and formerly appointed County Commissioner Sharon Cawood is sending out email solicitations for her new business.

It seems that Sharon is an Account Executive with Welcome Wagon. The latest revenue generator for Sharon involves producing and mailing Christmas postcards for businesses. Only 77 cents per postcard that includes postage.

Here is the clincher from her email addressed to "KBA folks"

"can send holiday postcards to your clients and customers using your database of names and addresses. For as little as 77 cents per postcard, we can do it all for you. We do the custom design, labeling and even pay the postage for you - all for 77 cents per postcard. Yes, this even includes postage!"

So is the deal that these unsuspecting businesses turn over their database to the "politician" to be used in her campaign for County Commission? Do you think that these businesses databases were the source of all her Commission letters? Did she utilize all those letterheads and envelopes for her stationary business?

Enquiring minds are enquiring.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Interesting...keep on this Brian!
