Thursday, November 29, 2007

Brian's Blog Was Right About The Cawood Situation

With the announcement that former January 31, 2007 appointed County Commissioner Sharon Cawood will not stand for the voice of the voter, we are reminded that we were right on September 17, 2007. That was four days after qualifying petitions were made available for positions on the February 5, 2008 County election.

We predicted that Sharon would not run for Commission and that she and her husband Mark, a former term limited County Commissioner and current Court bailiff would instead support Mark's brother Frederick Chris Cawood in essence keeping the check in the family.

With her announcement it appears our sources were partially accurate. We had been told that she would run for countywide office. She could go for the appointment to the position of General Sessions Court Clerk. Because when Judge Bob McGehee is elected as Criminal Court Judge and takes the bench on September 1, 2008. Cathy Quist will likely be appointed the General Session Judge position that Judge McGehee will vacate. Leaving Sharon the opportunity to be appointed to the General Sessions Court Clerk position.

Here is our post from September 17, 2007.

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