Saturday, December 15, 2007

County Commission Fifth District Seat C

This election will select the individual to replace John Griess. There are no blue candidate (s) and no female candidate (s). What's up blue Chairman Don Daugherty? There are some good blue residents in the fifth. Where are the female candidate (s)?

Here are the red candidates Thomas S. Baer, Richard Briggs, Jim McEvers, Kyle Phillips and John Schoonmaker. There is an independent candidate that will face the red candidate on August 7, 2008. That candidate is Don Sproles.

Baer, I know nothing about him. We will discover and report back to you later.

Briggs is a heart surgeon and military veteran having served in Afghanistan. His candidacy would be considered as a long shot as he has been minimally active within the fifth district community and never active within the Knox County Republican Party.

McEvers is an active candidate that has made himself visible since September. He has attended County Commission meetings, never shying from giving his opinion from the public podium. He has the courage to stand for his convictions and make his voice known. He is a promising candidate.

Phillips is a young energetic guy. I first met Kyle while he was running against my friend Parkey Strader for State Representative. We all felt that he had a real potential and promise as a public servant. Kyle ran as an independent in that race and he has reminded me that I encouraged him to become a Republican and get active. In 2006, he did exactly that and ran as a Republican against Craig Leuthold for Commission. He has been active in Republican functions and clubs having attended the West Knox, Concord-Farragut and Young Republicans since 2004. This very well could be Kyle's time.

Schoonmaker is the leader of the Council of West Knox County Homeowners. He is certainly well known among homeowner groups but is considered not to be a friend of developers and progressive community members. Schoonmaker and his group stopped the George Williams Rd site for a new West Knox County high school, forcing the school board to build the Hardin Valley High School in the remote Hardin Valley community.

Brian's Blog is uncommitted on this race at this point. However, if the election were held today. I would predict a close three way race with Phillips, Schoonmaker and McEvers.

The independent candidate is Don Sproles.

Sproles is the owner /operator of The Lunch Box. He is an Attorney and will make a formidable candidate for County Commission. You could see Sproles pick up significant Red support depending on who the red candidate is. We will see in late February 2008.

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