Sunday, December 09, 2007

Georgiana Vines Missed The Mark

On Saturday, Georgiana Vines published a story about County Commission Chairman Scott Moore not picking up a petition for the Republican nomination for Knox County Clerk.

Why, did Georgiana miss former County Commissioner Mike McMillan? He has been attending functions this entire fall season and had not picked up a petition by the time, Georgiana faced her deadline. McMillan did pick a petition late Friday, but I am certain that Georgiana already had her story turned in by then.

The KNS and its other publications have an angle. The angle or bias, if you will is against anyone or anything..........................................................................REPUBLICAN!


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    really dont you think that the media and the politcians really are only interested in what sales their story or gets their votes.
    sadly i think so.

  2. Yes. They have a base to cater to and when they are liberal, then they lean liberal.

    The KNS team led by Harry Moskos before Jack McElroy and now Jack McElroy are anti-any Republican.

    Anti-Scott Moore, Anti-Tim Hutchison, Anti-Brian Hornback and for the past year has become Anti-Mike Ragsdale.
