Monday, December 31, 2007

No Retreat No Surrender by Tom Delay

In addition to my daily activities today I read my autographed copy of No Retreat No Surrender by Congressman Tom Delay. His life is an interesting one. He was raised by his mother and father along with a brother they moved from location to location, including some significant time in the tropical rain forest of Venezuela. His father became a self made successful businessman and at the same time an alcoholic.

Delay himself desired to make his father proud by attending medical school, however, his wife Christine convinced him that he didn’t have to do something that he did not want to do. He utilized his biology degree and entered the pest control business. He ultimately began his own pest control business. He became a successful businessman and then became a Republican candidate for the Texas legislature in a portion of Texas that hadn’t elected a Republican since Reconstruction.

In the Texas legislature he immediately began to witness how the majority operated and how they passed laws. He then began to implement their strategies with his conservative agenda. In 1984, he ran for and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. There he worked with a few people but wound up on the opposite side of Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey. He ultimately worked with Gingrich and helped orchestrate the Republican Revolution or better known as the Contract with America that turned control of the U.S. House over to Republicans. The liberal left seeing that Delay was the mastermind of the Republican Revolution and in their only way to help the Democrats take back control was to take Delay out. They utilized a liberal left political hack by the name of Ronnie Earle to make presentations to 10 grand juries and were finally able to get an indictment on Delay after 10 attempts.

With the indictment, Delay stepped down because of a Republican rule that members will step down following an indictment. A rule that the Democrats themselves have not and will not impose on themselves. The liberal left will NEVER allow Delay to enter a courtroom to defend him because Ronnie Earle and the liberal left will be exposed as the liars they are, get their rear ends kicked and Ronnie Earle will become the Michael Nifong of Texas.

What occurred to Delay is that the liberal left began to attack he and his family personally because they could not compete with his ideas and his work orchestrating the Republican domination.

While my own history is not on the stage or at the level of Delay’s. I have certainly lived with the attacks of the liberal left from the time I became a candidate for elected office in 1990 and witnessed how it accelerated when I was elected in 2000 to the school board and hit full throttle when I became Knox County Republican Party Chairman in 2005. In my orchestration of a countywide Republican sweep in 2006 in spite of the Tennessee Supreme Court term limit decision of 2006. The liberal left in recent years has utilized members of my own party and since 1990 has utilized the use of a community weekly newspaper that is now owned by E.W. Scripps. The lies about me have even resorted to the community weekly newspaper reporting erroneously in 2005 where I vacation with my family.

Delay is a Christian and a Conservative that loves his country. Many personal attacks are made of Delay saying that he uses his faith in God as a political tool, while the liberal left will say what they will. The best he can do is continuing to carry on. The liberal left will regret forcing him out of the Congress because they can’t keep him in the fishbowl anymore. He will prove more dangerous to the Democrats and the liberal left outside the halls of Congress than inside.

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