Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Randy Tyree Endorses Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones?

The most recent issue of The Knoxville Journal has a story about the election of Knox County Sheriff. On February 5, 2008 Jimmy "J.J." Jones will be unchallenged in the Republican primary. The same day Randy Tyree will be unchallenged in the Democrat primary. This will set up an August 7, 2008 election for Sheriff between Republican Jones and Democrat Tyree.

Eighth District School Board Member - Elect William "Bill" Phillips sent me the most recent Knoxville Journal article about the race for Sheriff and asked if I had read it. Obviously sensing that my friend, Bill Phillips had seen something that would intrigue me. I read the article and discovered what Bill had seen on first read. I have confirmed with Bill that this is what we both discovered, well actually Bill first.

This is why JJ Jones says that you should not vote for Randy Tyree: Randy is too old to be Sheriff. This job requires an incredible amount of physical effort. An individual needs to be able to keep up with the fast paced, daily agenda.

Randy is not just out of the loop, he is way out. He has no experience in modern day law enforcement. Most of the technology we use every day was not even invented when he was a police officer.

JJ Jones says: This is why you should vote for me.

"I have the highest level of leadership, skills, and abilities. Everything I have done for the last 28 years has trained me and prepared me for this office."

Randy Tyree says this is why you should vote for JJ Jones:

"Our citizens are tired of the way the government has been functioning, it is time for a change. The Hutchison reign is over, and needs to be put to an end."

The line before the last paragraph in this snippet has Tyree endorsing Jones. That is an interesting campaign strategy.

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