Monday, December 17, 2007

That's The Night That Lights Went Out In West Knoxville

O.k. it was 4:00 a.m. this morning and I woke up to find that there was no electrical power. Even though it was 4:00 a.m. I could tell by looking out the windows that the whole blessed neighborhood was out. The neighbors porch light that is always on was off.

So I locate my cellphone and I call LCUB (Lenior City Utilities Board) to inquire. I have the utility company programmed in for exactly times like this. Why oh why are we the great people of West Knox County without power? Is this an attempt to silence Brian's Blog? The phone rang, I punched the correct number to report a problem with my service. Because I assume that no power on one of the coldest mornings of the year would qualify as a problem. The gentleman answers and I say "Our power is out in _____beep_______ subdivision." He then informs me that a car had hit a utility pole on the main road that our subdivision is located off of. I said o.k. and then proceeded to set my cellphone alarm for 5:30. At 5:33 a.m. the power returned. Thank you!

This morning as people are getting up late, irritated because they are late because the power was out for at least an hour and a half. Or this morning as people get up a little colder than normal because the power was out for at least and hour and a half. Let's be mindful that at least someone had an accident early this morning and I don't not how bad of an accident it was. But as bad as our situation may be to us at the time always be mindful that someone, somewhere has it a little bit worse than us. I have said a prayer for whoever the accident victim is and hope that they recover in order to have a Merry Christmas.

Just a little dose of reality from Brian's Blog this morning. Thanks for reading.


  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The "Great" people of West Knox County? Hmmm. And it crossed your mind that it could have been a conspiracy to silence Brian's Blog? You think pretty highly of yourself, don't you?

  2. Brian,
    Let us know if you find out anything concerning the accident victim.
    Also, what woke you up at 4AM? Just asking, no real reason. My father was extermly difficult to wake up - WW3 starting in the bedroom wouldn't do it, but if the electricity went off he'd be up in a flash. Electrical failures were fairly common back in the early 60's where I grew up because of the Chinook Winds (Washington State's version of California's Santa Anna Winds).


  3. anonymous that part was humorous but obviously you be humor impaired. what a terrible life you live tabloid bully girls.

  4. The driver of the vehicle wasn't injured however it is reported that he was taken into custody by sheriff's deputies. Charges are reported to be pending against him.

    As for why I woke up at 4 a.m. I would like to think it is because I was aware that there was something that needed by attention. I was a citizen that made sure my neighborhood was represented to LCUB and while my neighbors and family slept, I was working for them.
