Friday, December 14, 2007


The Red candidates Steve Hill, Roger Kane, Hobart Lumpkin, Steve Rogers, Sr., Fred Sisk and L.B. Steele. The Blue candidate running is School Board Member Robert Bratton.

Hill is a governmental relations representative with St. Marys Health System. He served on the Knox County School Board several years ago. As Chairman of the School Board he led the board and school system through some difficult and dark days.

Kane is in the financial services field in the Karns community. He has been active as President of the Karns Business and Professional Association.

Lumpkin is a former Farragut High School teacher. He built a convenience store business on Westland Drive and has since sold the successful business that he started from the ground up. He is currently in the automobile industry. He ran for County Commission several years ago challenging John Griess.

Rogers is a convenience store owner / operator in the Washington Pike area.

Sisk is Chief Deputy of the Trustee's office. He has served as Chief Deputy since Mike Lowe was elected Trustee several years ago. Sisk has a knowledge of the operations of the office and the tasks required. However, Sisk was appointed on January 31 and removed by blue Chancellor Darryl Fansler in October 2007. Can Sisk overcome the cloud of January 31 and his competition with the same dedicated volunteers that Lowe is using in his Property Assessor campaign.

Steele is a retired Sargent with the Knoxville Police Department. He has been a dedicated volunteer for the Knox County Republican Party. Always cooking BBQ and other main entrees with his large cooker and his volunteers. Steele is a good guy that makes friends with everyone he meets.

Brian's Blog is uncommitted to any red candidate at this time.

The blue candidate is Robert Bratton, a school board member from the Ninth district serving South Knox County. Bratton was elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006 to the school board. Brian Hornback served with Bratton from 2002-2004 while both served on the school board. Bratton was elected to the County Commission in 1990. He ran unsuccessfully for the State House of Representatives getting beat by new upstart Jamie Hagood now State Senator Jamie Woodson. He then was elected to School Board and is now running for Trustee. This summer the school district launched an investigation on an employee complaint involving Bratton. That investigation has not been completed.

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