Sunday, January 20, 2008

At Church This Morning

As many of you know by reading Brian's Blog. I am a member of First Baptist Church, Concord. This morning our Pastor, Dr. Doug Sager continued in Philippians 3:12-14. The past two weeks combined with today have been exceptional.

He also touched on something that has been relevant to me and the operation of my blog. Since this blog was started about three and a half years ago. Commentator's on the local liberal blog and even here always try to say, you are a member of First Baptist Concord and shouldn't confront this issue or that issue, you shouldn't say this or say that. I get emails saying that people are going to contact my pastor or church leadership.

I guess they assume that I am a deacon or something. I have served on committees and served as Chairman of Christian Life Committee several years ago. I am currently not serving in any leadership position at this time. While I am an ordained Deacon and Elder in the Presbyterian Church, USA. I have declined having my name placed on a ballot for deacon election at First Baptist Concord. I have been a member sine 1993. The decision to be placed on a deacon election ballot is a personal one and one that is decided with much reflection and contemplation in my quiet time with God.

When people threaten to contact my church leadership, I figure well what I can do about it. I take the stand that I do and to do nothing and be quiet is not exchanging my beliefs and thoughts in the arena of public debate. My pastor and church leadership have never told me about any of your complaints. Many of my Associate Pastors have told me that they read my blog. I always thought, that I was the only one that people may have complained about. But obviously, I ain't the only one.

This morning during the sermon. Dr. Sager said "I get calls and letters telling me how bad you (members of the congregation) are and how you (members of the congregation) need to be corrected." He said "I tell them, well I don't do that. I let God do it." They then say "well that must be a pretty bad church." His response back is. "Well it sounds like you might fit right on in."

The sermons can be watched or listened to online, here.

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